If you like pop music, a cappella singing, dancing and a light romance, you just can't miss this lively movie!
Se você gosta de música pop, canto a capela, dança e um romance leve, você não pode perder esse filme cheio de vida!

From: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTcyMTMzNzE5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzg5NjM5Nw@@.

A Escolha Perfeita (2012) Poster

A Escolha Perfeita (2012)
"Pitch Perfect" (original title)

12  -  Comedy | Music | Romance  - 7 December 2012 (Brazil)
Your rating:
Ratings: 7,1/10 from 109.988 users   Metascore: 66/100 
Reviews: 184 user | 189 critic | 33 from Metacritic.com
Beca, a freshman at Barden University, is cajoled into joining The Bellas, her school's all-girls singing group. Injecting some much needed energy into their repertoire, The Bellas take on their male rivals in a campus competition.




  (screenplay),  (based on the book by)

Some vocabulary:
freshman - calouro
cajole - adular, bajular
join - juntar-se
take on - competir