
Keyed up

A bunch of keys
What is the key to success when learning English?

Today's Phrase

If you are keyed up, it means you are excited or anxious. It is often used with 'about' - to be keyed up about something.
I'm really keyed up about the show tonight.

You've been keyed up all morning, Clive. You should take some time to relax before your exam.

Take note

What is the key to success? Do you know the key to happiness? What about the key to wealth?The key to something is the way to achieve it.
The key to happiness is accepting that you can't change everything.

Interesting fact

In English we talk about a 'bunch of keys', meaning a group of keys which are attached together. The group noun 'bunch' is also used for things like bananas and flowers when they are fastened together in a tight group.
Casas em Argenteuil, Claude Monet (1840-1926), artista francês impressionista.

Há muitos anos assisti ao filme Antes do Amanhecer (1995) e adorei. Pensei que poderiam fazer outro, mas achei que não aconteceria... então me deparei com Antes do Pôr-do-Sol (2004), que é um filme de muitos diálogos acerca da vida adulta e seus dilemas e escolhas, além de devaneios sobre as possibilidades futuras.  Daí pensei: muito improvável que façam um outro filme com os mesmos personagens... qual não foi minha surpresa quando há duas semanas descobri que fizeram um terceiro filme retratando a vida dos dois personagens: Antes da Meia-Noite (2013).  Ainda não terminei de assistir, mas parece que segue a mesma linha do segundo refletindo sobre os dramas, as alegrias e opções da vida adulta.  Para quem gosta de uma bela história de amor, mas não exatamente aquela de contos de fadas, um ótimo programa para algumas horas. Quero assistir a todos novamente... e terminar o terceiro.
Para informações sobre os filmes visite:

Antes do Amanhecer (1995) PosterAntes do Pôr-do-Sol (2004) PosterAntes da Meia-Noite (2013) Poster


Junk mail

Letters being posted though a letterbox
Do you get a lot of junk mail? Photo: BBC.

Today's Phrase

Junk mail is a term used to describe letters or advertising products which are sent to people who have not asked to receive them. It can also apply to email.
Why does no one send me real letters anymore? All I ever receive is junk mail!
When I checked my email this morning there were 15 items of junk mail advertising all kinds of weird things.

Take note

You might also know the phrasejunk food. Things which are unhealthy but quick to eat like hamburgers and hot dogs are examples of junk food.
I really need to stop eating so much junk food. I'm 2kg heavier than I was 2 months ago.

Interesting fact

In 2010 the British postal service, Royal Mail, delivered 1.7bn items of junk mail to homes around the country. That's 26 items for each person in one year.
How about bringing some green to your bathroom!!!  Plants are a wonderful idea to make this space look more lively and relaxing!
Que tal trazer um pouco de verde para seu banheiro!!!  Plantas são uma ideia maravilhosa para fazer com que esse espaço pareça mais cheio de vida e relaxante!

White bathroom with plants | Modern bathroom ideas | Bathroom | PHOTO GALLERY | Homes & Gardens |

White bathroom with plants

The steamy atmosphere of a bathroom is a healthy environment for plants and they will create an uplifting mood when set against a plain white wall.

Exposição de Beatriz Milhazes, no Museu de Arte Murilo Mendes (Juiz de Fora - MG).  A artista nascida em 1960 no Rio de Janeiro é, além de pintora, ilustradora, gravadora e professora.  Visite o site para saber mais sobre a exposição:


Abaixo uma das obras da pintora, encontrada no site do Itau Cultural. A figura humana ao lado da tela representa a escala de  proporção da mesma.


Milhazes, Beatriz 
O Buda , 2000
acrílica sobre tela
191 x 256,5 cm
Coleção Rose e Alfredo Setúbal, São Paulo.
Reprodução fotográfica autoria desconhecida

To dawn on

St Paul's Cathedral in London at dawn
St Paul's Cathedral in London at dawn. Photo: BBC.

Today's Phrase

If something dawns on you, you realise it for the first time.
It dawned on me that I hadn't been sick for two years.
It was several hours before the truth finally dawned on Michael: he was in the wrong city.

Take note

The crack of dawn is a phrase which means very early in the morning, when the sky just starts to change colour.
We have to leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Try to get some sleep.
Everyone woke up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning. They wanted to see what presents they had been given.

Interesting fact

Dawn and sunrise are two different things in English. Dawn begins when it starts to get light, before the sun appears. Sunrise starts when the first part of the sun can be seen at the horizon.
And to get in the mood for this celebration you can watch the movie "Valentine's Day"!
E pra entrar no clima dessa comemoração você pode assistir ao filme "Idas e Vindas do amor"!

Idas e Vindas do Amor (2010)
Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Picture from:
This is Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring.  Vermeer was a Dutch artist who lived from 1632 to 1675. You can get to know a little about his life and the story of this painting by watching the movie with the same title as the painting, starring Colin Firth and Scarlett Johansson.    
Essa é a pintura Garota com Brinco de Pérola de Johannes Vermeer.  Ele foi um artista holandês que viveu de 1632 à 1675.  Você pode conhecer um pouco sobre sua vida e a história dessa pintura assistindo ao filme com o mesmo nome da pintura, estrelado por Colin Firth e Scarlett Johansson.  
Moça com Brinco de Pérola (2003) Poster
Picture and text fom:
A young peasant maid working in the house of painter Johannes Vermeer becomes his talented assistant and the model for one of his most famous works.


Under the table

A giant table and chair
Artist Giancarlo Neri's work 'The Writer' consists of a 10m-high chair and 7.30m table, made of wood and steel. Photo: BBC.

Today's Phrase

Under the table is a phrase used to describe secretive behaviour - often suggesting corruption or illegality.
If you want to open a business in a country where there is a lot of corruption, you may have to make under the table payments to officials.
Tony was a terrible driver. He kept failing his driving test - and eventually he got his driving licence under the table.

Take note

To drink someone under the table means to drink more alcohol than somebody else without becoming as drunk as they do.
Johnny was a heavy drinker. He could drink anyone under the table.

Interesting fact

The installation 'The Writer' was shown in Rome's Villa Ada in 2003, then in London's Hampstead Heath in 2005. It is now on permanent display at the Villa Reale in Monza, near Milan.
What about working in a place full of colors and life!  Isn't it cheerful?! Get inspired by this home office!

Que tal trabalhar em um lugar cheio de cores e vida!  Não é animador?! Inspire-se nesse escritório em casa!


Bright and Cheerful Home OfficeBright and Cheerful Home Office


Hold the fort

A piper plays his bagpipes outside Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland
Eilean Donan Castle is one of the most famous and photographed places in Scotland. Photo: BBC.

Today's Phrase

When you hold the fort, it means that you take care of a place when the person normally in charge is away.
When Michael, the boss, went on holiday, he asked me to hold the fort at our company.
I'm just going out to the shops for 20 minutes, can you hold the fort?

Take note

Another phrase which uses the word 'fort' is to be like Fort Knox. If you say a building or place is like Fort Knox, you mean it is very well protected and difficult to enter or leave.
My office is like Fort Knox. You need to bring your ID or they won't let you in.

Interesting fact

Bagpipes were designed to be played outside, and the sound they make can be heard up to ten miles away. In the past they were used when Scottish armies went to battle and their music could be heard above the loud sounds of fighting.
Starting the week with some art... Vincent Van Gogh's Elysium Fields (1888). Here the poster of the original painting:

The Elysian Fields, c.1888 Impressão artística