Lights in a bottle! / Luzes na garrafa!

Great idea for lighting up your New Year's Eve!  Pick up some bottles and fill them up with fairy lights and you are going to have some cheap and beautiful lamps!!!
Ótima ideia para iluminar sua Noite de Ano Novo!  Pegue algumas garrafas e as encha com pequenas lâmpadas de Natal e você terá algumas luminárias baratas e lindas!!!
DIY wine bottles with string lights

Merry Chirstmas!!! / Feliz Natal!!!

"Jesus: Rei dos Reis, Cristo, Vida, Salvador, Luz, Verdade, Príncipe da Paz..."


Christmas is coming! / O Natal está chegando!

"Que o espírito de amor delicadamente preencha nossos corações e lares.  Nesta que é a mais bela das época, que você possa encontrar muitas razões para a felicidade.  
Boas Festas!"


Christmas words

¿Cuántas palabras conoces en inglés sobre la Navidad? ¿Y en otros idiomas?

Go it alone

Silhouette of a woman standing in front of a standing stone sculpture.
Japanese video and performance artist Mariko Mori displays her work Tom Na H-iu at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Photo: Stefan Wermouth/ Reuters

Today's Phrase

To go it alone means to do something by yourself, without help from other people.
Now that I have enough experience, I've decided to go it alone and start my own business.

I'm not ready to go it alone yet. I need another few years working in this company.

We don't need your help with the project. We'll go it alone and see what happens.

Take note

To feel alone. If you feel alone, you feel lonely, with no friends and nobody to talk to or to ask for help.
After she left me, I felt completely alone.

Interesting fact

A popular saying in business circles is that you will never become rich by working for someone else.

About time / Questão de tempo

Did you like "Love Actually", "Notting Hill" and "Four weddings and a funeral"?  So you probably will love "About time"!  It's a beautiful and touchy story about a guy who discovers through his father he can travel in time and change things which happened to him.  It's tender, it's fun and it's moving.  Give it a try! 
Você gostou de "Simplesmente Amor", "Um lugar chamado Notting Hill" e "Quatro casamentos e um funeral"?  Então você provavelmente vai gostar de "Questão de Tempo"!  É uma bela e tocante história de um rapaz que descobre através de seu pai que ele pode viajar no tempo e mudar coisas que aconteceram com ele.  É terno, é engraçado e é comovente.  Experimente!
Questão de Tempo (2013)
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Happy Thanksgiving!


To pop your head out

From: flowers growing in snow

Crocus flowers pop their heads out through a layer of fresh snow. Photo: AP/ Matthias Hiekel

Today's Phrase

If someone says they are going to pop their head out, they mean they are going to take a brief look outside.
I'm just going to pop my head out and check the weather to see if I need to take an umbrella with me today.

Could you just pop your head out of the window please and see what's caused the traffic to stop.

Take note

If your eyes pop out of your head, it describes the look of complete surprise on your face when you see someone or something that is very unusual or surprising.
When John asked Jane to marry him and gave her a diamond ring, her eyes popped out of her head: it was completely unexpected.

Interesting fact

The British Autumn crocus flower was once used as a herbal treatment for inflammation. This is because it contains a chemical (colchicine), which is known to have medicinal properties, including anti-cancer effects. Scientists are now trying to use the chemical to treat tumours

A flash of inspiration


Lightning near Athens

A flash of lighting is seen in Piraeus, near Athens during a rainstorm. Photo: Elina Liberta/ AP

Today's Phrase

If you have a flash of inspiration it means that you get a sudden idea that helps you create or achieve what you were hoping to do.
John's new travel book was a huge success after the flash of inspiration he got while sitting on the bus.
The idea for my song came to me in a flash of inspiration!

Take note

The expression a flash in the pan refers to someone or something that is popular or gets noticed, but only for a short period of time.
Susan had a number one hit with her song, but after that we never heard from her again. People said she was just a flash in the pan.

Interesting fact

Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm. Lightning kills and injures between 75 and 100 people every year - more than hurricanes or tornadoes. The highest death toll from a lightning strike was in 1971 when a passenger airline flying over the Amazon rainforest was hit by lightning, causing it to crash, killing 91 people on board.

Adverbs of frequency


Crowd pleaser

A general view of Saint Peter's square at the Vatican as Pope Benedict XVI celebrates a mass on Easter Sunday.
Crowds gather in St. Peter’s Square to hear Pope Benedict XVI. Photo: Getty Images

Today's Phrase

A crowd pleaser is someone or something that is always popular with large numbers of people.
That kiss between Prince William and Princess Catherine was a real crowd pleaser.

The appearance of Madonna at the music festival was a crowd pleaser.

Take note

If someone is described as being part of the in-crowd, they belong to a fashionable, popular or privileged group of people.
Jane was keen to be part of the in-crowd so she bought the latest designer clothes.

Interesting fact

On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation. The 85-year-old Benedict is the first pope to resign in 600 years. He says he no longer has the mental or physical strength to lead the world's 1.2 billion Catholics.


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Many people around the world celebrate Halloween, which occurs annually on October 31. It is also known as All Hallows’ Eve and is the day before All Saints’ Day. Costume parties are held and many children go trick-or-treating around this time of the year.
Information from:


copy and laminate for writing center
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Put on a brave face


A student taking part in a parade for the Caracol festival in the Philippines

Nature-inspired costumes are always popular with children in a parade for the Caracol festival in Makati city in the Philippines. Photo: Romeo Ranoco/Reuters

Today's Phrase

If you 'put on a brave face' it means you are trying to make people think that you are happy when in fact you are not.
Mary didn't get the promotion she was expecting. But she put on a brave face and went to the office party.

The athletes put on a brave face when they left the stadium, where the team had suffered its worst defeat in ten years.

Take note

The expression 'two-faced' is used to describe people who say pleasant things about someone when he/she is around - and bad things about the person when they are not there.
Frederick is two-faced. He keeps telling me he loves my work, while he says to my colleagues that he thinks I should be sacked.

Interesting fact

The Philippines - a Spanish colony for more than three centuries and named after a 16th Century Spanish king - was taken over by the US in the early 20th Century. Spanish and American influences remain strong, especially in terms of language, religion and government.

Hallway / Entrada

That's an easy and cheap way to assemble a cozy hallway: wooden boxes and hangers to organize your stuff; some plants to make it more pleasant!  From
Essa é uma ideia fácil e barata para montar uma entrada aconchegante: caixotes de madeira e ganchos para organizar suas coisas; plantas para torná-la mais agradável! Do
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To set the wheels in motion


Britain's cycling team pursuit squad

Britain's cycling team pursuit squad at the UCI Track Cycling World Championship. Photo: PA/ Tim Ireland

Today's Phrase

If you set the wheels in motion, you do something which will cause a series of actions to start.
Victoria dreamed of becoming an Olympic cycling champion. She set the wheels in motion by buying a racing bike. 
Neil decided to move to the country. He set the wheels in motion by calling an estate agent.

Take note

If you oil the wheels you do something that will make it easier for something else to happen.
John offered his expertise, which helped oil the wheels on the big building project.

Interesting fact

At the UCI Track Cycling World Championships, competitors take part in all the various disciplines of track cycling. They are regulated by the Union Cycliste Internationale. The event is currently taking place in Minsk in Belarus.

Framing the sofa / Emoldurando o sofá

For books lovers: a charming idea to be surrounded by books when on your reading sofa.  Your beloved books will be organized and at hand, beautifully displayed on shelves like those.  Also have a look at the very convenient lamps, to help you having not only a pleasing time but also a comfortable one.  Reading is fun and makes you trip around!
Para os amantes de livros: uma ideia charmosa para estar rodeado de livros quando lendo em seu sofá. Seus amados livros estarão organizados e à mão, lindamente expostos em prateleiras como essas. Dê uma olhada também nas lâmpadas, muito convenientes, para ajudar você a não apenas passar um tempo prazeroso mas também confortável. Ler é divertido e faz você viajar!
25 Modern Interior Design and Decorating Ideas for Beautiful Homes, Room Makeover Inspirations
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Keyed up

From: bunch of keys

What is the key to success when learning English?

Today's Phrase

If you are keyed up, it means you are excited or anxious. It is often used with 'about' - to be keyed up about something.
I'm really keyed up about the show tonight.

You've been keyed up all morning, Clive. You should take some time to relax before your exam.

Take note

What is the key to success? Do you know the key to happiness? What about the key to wealth?The key to something is the way to achieve it.
The key to happiness is accepting that you can't change everything.

Interesting fact

In English we talk about a 'bunch of keys', meaning a group of keys which are attached together. The group noun 'bunch' is also used for things like bananas and flowers when they are fastened together in a tight group.

Bags and shoes / Bolsas e sapatos

Hey, girls! That's a great idea to have your bags and shoes organised: a hanger for each bag and separate kind of open wooden boxes for your footwear.
Ei, garotas! Essa é uma ótima ideia para manter suas bolsas e sapatos organizados: um gancho para cada bolsa e nichos para seus calçados.
Shower hooks for purse organization.
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Home sweet home


Charming entryway / Entrada charmosa

This entryway can start welcoming your friends and family to your home in a very charming way.  You have holders for them to leave their belongs and also inspiring messages in frames.  For more details visit the site:
Esse hall de entrada pode começar a dar boas vindas a seus amigos e parentes de forma charmosa.  Você tem ganchos para que eles deixem seus pertences e também mensagens inspiradoras emolduradas.  Para mais detalhes visite o site:

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Blue in the face
An endangered Southern cassowary feeds on fruit
Southern cassowaries mainly feed on fruit, but also eat fungi, insects, frogs, snakes and fish. Photo: Christian Ziegler/Reuters

Today's Phrase

If you do something 'until you are blue in the face', it means you work very hard on it or do it for a long time, but in the end waste your efforts because you are not successful.
Martin argued with his mother until he was blue in the face, but she still made him wash the dishes.
You can walk up and down the high street until you are blue in the face, but you won't find a shop selling leather shoes as cool or as cheap as these!

Take note

If something happens 'once in a blue moon' it happens very rarely.
I only eat red meat once in a blue moon these days. You never know what's in your burgers, especially after the horsemeat scandal.

Interesting fact

This photo of a Southern cassowary won the first prize in the Nature Single category at this year's World Press Photo Contest. The colourful birds, which are closely related to ostriches, can live for over 60 years and stand about 2m tall.

Many, many chairs

design chair icons
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Revisão de textos

Para quem está terminando a faculdade ou precisa de revisar o texto de seu artigo entre outras possibilidades, conheça o site:

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Por que revisar um texto?
     A revisão textual visa à qualidade de um texto realizando as alterações gramaticais e estilísticas necessárias, pois um texto bem escrito facilita a compreensão do leitor, desperta o interesse e proporciona credibilidade para o autor.
     O revisor verifica e corrige os problemas presentes em um texto, como: ortografia, pontuação, concordância, regência, coesão, coerência, entre tantos outros possíveis e que os corretores eletrônicos na maioria dos casos não detectam.
     Muitas vezes os erros passam simplesmente despercebidos para o autor mesmo depois de uma ou mais revisões porque depois de muito escrever, ler, reescrever, o autor não consegue perceber erros por estar familiarizado demais com o assunto e com o texto que escreveu. O autor do texto deve se preocupar principalmente com pesquisas, com suas ideias e com o conteúdo a ser passado.  No caso de textos acadêmicos, é da maior importância que sejam consideradas a norma culta, a objetividade e a clareza, além das normas técnicas exigidas pela instituição.
     O período de conclusão de um curso de graduação ou pós-graduação é estressante. Preocupe-se com a pesquisa do seu tema e com o conteúdo, que nós cuidaremos da apresentação do seu texto. Revisamos e também formatamos o seu texto conforme as normas da ABNT.
     Você assistiu ao vídeo sobre a vírgula na página inicial? Percebeu o quanto o uso correto da vírgula é importante? Vamos analisar o vídeo? 
Raquel de Castro é graduada e mestra em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.

Rustic lamps / Luminárias rústicas

Have a look at these rustic lamps:  just some jars, chains, candles and your hand ability to put them all together! 
Get inspired!
Dá uma olhada nessas luminárias rústicas: apenas frascos de vidro, correntes, velas e sua habilidade manual pra colocar tudo junto! 
Rustic barn candle holders from mason jars. On Etsy but not challenging to make.

To pop your head out


Crocus flowers growing in snow
Crocus flowers pop their heads out through a layer of fresh snow. Photo: AP/ Matthias Hiekel

Today's Phrase

If someone says they are going to pop their head out, they mean they are going to take a brief look outside.
I'm just going to pop my head out and check the weather to see if I need to take an umbrella with me today.

Could you just pop your head out of the window please and see what's caused the traffic to stop.

Take note

If your eyes pop out of your head, it describes the look of complete surprise on your face when you see someone or something that is very unusual or surprising.
When John asked Jane to marry him and gave her a diamond ring, her eyes popped out of her head: it was completely unexpected.

Interesting fact

The British Autumn crocus flower was once used as a herbal treatment for inflammation. This is because it contains a chemical (colchicine), which is known to have medicinal properties, including anti-cancer effects. Scientists are now trying to use the chemical to treat tumours.

Working can heal you / O trabalho pode te curar

Once a very dear person sent me this text and I think it's very meaningful.  Working really makes us change the focus from a difficult situation and helps us distract our thoughts, addressing them to something productive and profitable.
Uma vez uma pessoa muito querida me enviou este texto e achei que ele faz muito sentido.  Trabalhar realmente nos faz mudar o foco de uma questão problemática e ajuda a espairecer os pensamentos, direcionando-os para algo produtivo e proveitoso.

CEO Finds Work Life Balance
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O mal e o remédio

Ignorância: instrução e trabalho
Penúria: trabalho e assistência
Tristeza: consolação e trabalho
Angústia: trabalho e paciência
Tédio: abnegação e trabalho
Ofensa: trabalho e esquecimento
Calúnia: perdão e trabalho
Obstáculo: trabalho e diligência
Tentação: prece e trabalho.
Discórdia: trabalho e paz
Abuso: corrigenda e trabalho
Fracasso: trabalho e confiança
Agressividade: gentileza e trabalho
Cansaço: trabalho e renovação
Perturbação: calma e trabalho
Desequilíbrio: trabalho e disciplina
Desânimo: otimismo e trabalho


The bathroom

English Vocabulary

The ideal house / A casa ideal

What is there in the ideal house? There's coziness and joy, there's lunch on the table smell (those which are carefully cooked), there are plants, flowers and life. There's nice take your time chat with your friends in the yard. There's wind that makes everything go on and the sun to heat our hopes and  bodies on a chilly day. 
Mine has everything I like or learned to like, for it's cool to value those things which we achieved day by day with each added detail... 
The ideal house is that which provides us with moments of happiness and fulfillment with those who we love.
O que tem a casa ideal? Tem aconchego e alegria, tem cheirinho de almoço na mesa (daqueles preparados com muito carinho), tem plantas, flores e vida. Tem papo gostoso, sem pressa, com os amigos no quintal.  Tem o vento que tudo faz passar e o sol que aquece as esperanças e o corpo num dia friozinho.  
A minha tem tudo que eu gosto ou aprendi a gostar, porque bacana é valorizar aquilo que conquistamos dia a dia com cada detalhe adicionado... 
A casa ideal é aquela que nos proporciona momentos de felicidade e satisfação com aqueles que amamos.

Let's play?!

English Vocabulary - Toys and Games

A heart of gold


A sea otter

Does this Alaskan sea otter have a heart of gold? Photo: Itsuo Inouye/ AP

Today's Phrase

Someone with a heart of gold is a genuinely kind and caring person. They would do anything for you.
My Mum has a heart of gold. She always thinks of others before herself.
John offered to do all the decorating this weekend; he's got a heart of gold.

Take note

If someone has a heart of stonethey are the opposite of someone with a heart of gold; they are unkind and cruel.
You'll get no sympathy from the boss. He has a heart of stone.

Interesting fact

The sea otter is a marine mammal that lives on the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean (although the one in this photo is in a zoo in Tokyo). It dives to the sea floor to look for food. It eats mostly shellfish and some kinds of fish.

What makes you move? / O que te move?

The thinker / O pensador - Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917)

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It's so common for us to stop still before life and keep asking what the meaning of living is... I get it, it's completely pertinent to every human being this kind of questioning...  But is it helpful in daily life? Does it make living better?  If the answer is yes, great! As I believe everything that contributes for a better life is beneficial.  Now, if the answer is no, and, at least for me it has been most of the times I question myself, I prefer a more practical and less troubled way, but, please, don't get me wrong, because I'm not talking about the kind of irresponsible or harmful lack of worries that could damage mine or other people's lives.  I mean living in a way you find simple and inexplicable enjoyment in doing things (and what is that we have to try to explain everything!?!).  In my case, one of the many things that makes me feel good is decorating, transforming and living the house!   I've stopped asking myself the reason for this to make me feel good.  Let's enjoy what life offers without questioning so many things needlessly, and instead, find what makes us joyful and makes us feel alive!  Live more, in the broadest sense: exist, value, reside, nourish, coexist, etc, etc, etc.
É muito comum a gente parar diante da vida e ficar se perguntando qual o sentido de viver... entendo, é totalmente pertinente a todo ser humano esse questionamento... Mas é proveitoso para o dia-a-dia? Contribui para um viver melhor?  Se a resposta é sim, ótimo!  Pois creio que tudo que contribui para o bem viver é salutar.  Agora, se a resposta é não, e, pelo menos para mim tem sido na maioria das vezes em que questiono, prefiro um caminho mais prático e menos preocupado, mas, por favor, não me entendam mal, pois não trato aqui de uma despreocupação irresponsável ou prejudicial à minha existência ou a de outras pessoas.  Falo de viver encontrando prazeres simples e inexplicáveis (e que mania temos de buscar explicação para tudo!?!).  No meu caso, uma das muitas coisas que me faz bem é decorar, transformar e viver a casa!  Parei de me perguntar o porquê disso me fazer bem.  Vamos aproveitar o que a vida oferece sem tantos questionamentos desnecessários, e ao invés disso, encontrar o que nos alegra a alma e nos faz sentir vivos!  Viver mais, no sentido mais amplo da palavra: existir, apreciar, morar, nutrir-se, conviver etc, etc, etc.

How about some fruit!?!

Chart with a list of fruit in English and photos of each one.
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Odd man out


Swimmers stand in line about to take part in an outdoor swimming competition

Which swimmer is the odd one out? Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Today's Phrase

If someone or something is an 'odd man out' or an 'odd one out', it is unlike the others in a group.
When I got to the party everyone was wearing beautifully tailored suits and I was in ripped jeans and a smelly t-shirt. Felt like a bit of an odd man out. 

Martha was always the odd one out. She never joined in when the other kids played.

Take note

An 'odd-job man' is a man paid to do many different kinds of jobs, often around the home.
I got Billy the odd-job man to fix my shelves and cut the grass in my garden. He did a great job so I recommended him to my neighbour.

Interesting fact

This year's UK Cold Water Swimming Championships saw 600 swimmers brave the near-freezing waters at a lido in South London. There are a number of 'lidos', or outdoor swimming pools, in London and around the UK. The word comes from an Italian word meaning 'beach'.