
Picture from: http://www.brunswickme.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/happy-halloween-clipart_3.gif

Many people around the world celebrate Halloween, which occurs annually on October 31. It is also known as All Hallows’ Eve and is the day before All Saints’ Day. Costume parties are held and many children go trick-or-treating around this time of the year.
Information from: http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/common/halloween


copy and laminate for writing center
Picture from: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/407083253790105850/

Put on a brave face

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2013/03/130307_todays_phrase_put_on_a_brave_face.shtml

A student taking part in a parade for the Caracol festival in the Philippines

Nature-inspired costumes are always popular with children in a parade for the Caracol festival in Makati city in the Philippines. Photo: Romeo Ranoco/Reuters

Today's Phrase

If you 'put on a brave face' it means you are trying to make people think that you are happy when in fact you are not.
Mary didn't get the promotion she was expecting. But she put on a brave face and went to the office party.

The athletes put on a brave face when they left the stadium, where the team had suffered its worst defeat in ten years.

Take note

The expression 'two-faced' is used to describe people who say pleasant things about someone when he/she is around - and bad things about the person when they are not there.
Frederick is two-faced. He keeps telling me he loves my work, while he says to my colleagues that he thinks I should be sacked.

Interesting fact

The Philippines - a Spanish colony for more than three centuries and named after a 16th Century Spanish king - was taken over by the US in the early 20th Century. Spanish and American influences remain strong, especially in terms of language, religion and government.

Hallway / Entrada

That's an easy and cheap way to assemble a cozy hallway: wooden boxes and hangers to organize your stuff; some plants to make it more pleasant!  From www.lizmarieblog.com.
Essa é uma ideia fácil e barata para montar uma entrada aconchegante: caixotes de madeira e ganchos para organizar suas coisas; plantas para torná-la mais agradável! Do www.lizmarieblog.com.
Picture from: http://www.lizmarieblog.com/2013/03/favorite-things-friday-16/

To set the wheels in motion

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2013/02/130221_todays_phrase_to_set_the_wheels_in_motion.shtml

Britain's cycling team pursuit squad

Britain's cycling team pursuit squad at the UCI Track Cycling World Championship. Photo: PA/ Tim Ireland

Today's Phrase

If you set the wheels in motion, you do something which will cause a series of actions to start.
Victoria dreamed of becoming an Olympic cycling champion. She set the wheels in motion by buying a racing bike. 
Neil decided to move to the country. He set the wheels in motion by calling an estate agent.

Take note

If you oil the wheels you do something that will make it easier for something else to happen.
John offered his expertise, which helped oil the wheels on the big building project.

Interesting fact

At the UCI Track Cycling World Championships, competitors take part in all the various disciplines of track cycling. They are regulated by the Union Cycliste Internationale. The event is currently taking place in Minsk in Belarus.

Framing the sofa / Emoldurando o sofá

For books lovers: a charming idea to be surrounded by books when on your reading sofa.  Your beloved books will be organized and at hand, beautifully displayed on shelves like those.  Also have a look at the very convenient lamps, to help you having not only a pleasing time but also a comfortable one.  Reading is fun and makes you trip around!
Para os amantes de livros: uma ideia charmosa para estar rodeado de livros quando lendo em seu sofá. Seus amados livros estarão organizados e à mão, lindamente expostos em prateleiras como essas. Dê uma olhada também nas lâmpadas, muito convenientes, para ajudar você a não apenas passar um tempo prazeroso mas também confortável. Ler é divertido e faz você viajar!
25 Modern Interior Design and Decorating Ideas for Beautiful Homes, Room Makeover Inspirations
Picture form: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/555490935262494467/

Keyed up

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2014/02/140225_todays_phrase_keyed_up.shtmlA bunch of keys

What is the key to success when learning English?

Today's Phrase

If you are keyed up, it means you are excited or anxious. It is often used with 'about' - to be keyed up about something.
I'm really keyed up about the show tonight.

You've been keyed up all morning, Clive. You should take some time to relax before your exam.

Take note

What is the key to success? Do you know the key to happiness? What about the key to wealth?The key to something is the way to achieve it.
The key to happiness is accepting that you can't change everything.

Interesting fact

In English we talk about a 'bunch of keys', meaning a group of keys which are attached together. The group noun 'bunch' is also used for things like bananas and flowers when they are fastened together in a tight group.

Bags and shoes / Bolsas e sapatos

Hey, girls! That's a great idea to have your bags and shoes organised: a hanger for each bag and separate kind of open wooden boxes for your footwear.
Ei, garotas! Essa é uma ótima ideia para manter suas bolsas e sapatos organizados: um gancho para cada bolsa e nichos para seus calçados.
Shower hooks for purse organization.
Picture from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/erigutt/4343155459/

Home sweet home

From: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/407083253790134136/

Charming entryway / Entrada charmosa

This entryway can start welcoming your friends and family to your home in a very charming way.  You have holders for them to leave their belongs and also inspiring messages in frames.  For more details visit the site: 
Esse hall de entrada pode começar a dar boas vindas a seus amigos e parentes de forma charmosa.  Você tem ganchos para que eles deixem seus pertences e também mensagens inspiradoras emolduradas.  Para mais detalhes visite o site: 

Picture from: http://suddenlyinspired.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/entryway-hooks-gallery-rug.jpg