3 R's

These are the 3 R's of sustainability.  They are actions we can take and adopt to improve the way we consume and analyze if we really need to buy something or we can have a more creative and eco-friendly solution.
Esses são os 3 R's da sutentabilidade.  Eles são ações que podemos tomar e adotar para melhorar a forma que consumimos e analisar se nós realmente precisamos comprar algo ou se podemos ter uma solução mais criativa e amiga do meio ambiente.

Image fromhttp://laptopsdiary.blogspot.com.br/2012/09/recycle-laptops-for-cash.html

Spill the beans

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2014/04/140408_todays_phrase_spill_the_beans.shtml
Coffee beans
Coffee 'beans' are actually seeds from a coffee bush

Today's Phrase

When you ask someone to spill the beans you are asking them to tell you secret information.
As soon as he was arrested the thief spilled the beans: he told the police about the other members of his gang. The police caught them all.
You spent a whole hour in the boss's office. Is he going to give a pay rise? Come on, spill the beans!

Take note

If someone is described as beingfull of beans it means they are full of energy.
Johnny was full of beans when he visited his grandfather. The old man did everything to please the boy.

Interesting fact

Coffee is the world's most popular drug that affects the way the brain works, according to the New Scientist magazine. Researchers say that over 90% of adults in the US drink it every day.

So many magazines?! / Tantas revistas?!

Sometimes we have lots of magazines which we neither want to throw away nor have enough space for them... a good solution is to turn them into an eye-catching stool! The idea from freshome.com is finished with a cushion and two kids of belt to hold all the magazines together on top of a wood support.  
Às vezes temos um monte de revistas que nem queremos jogar fora, nem temos espaço para guardar... uma boa solução é fazer com que elas virem um atraente banquinho!  A idéia do freshome.com é arrematada com uma almofada e duas espécies de cinto para segurar todas as revistas juntas em cima de um suporte de madeira.
Diy stool Top 10 Most Talked About Interior Design Trends for 2013
From: http://freshome.com/2013/01/29/top-10-interior-design-trends-for-2013/

The Wave / A Onda

How much can a teacher influence their students?  In this German movie, The Wave (2008), you get to know a bit of the story of a teacher who lived the experience of teaching how life works under dictatorship, in a way it became a one-way trip... Awesome opportunity to think about the different ways an original idea can be distorted and become out of control.
Quanto um professor pode influenciar seus alunos?  Nesse filme alemão, A Onda (2008), você conhece um pouco da história de um professor que teve a experiência de ensinar sobre como funciona a vida em uma ditadura, de uma forma que se tornou uma vigem sem volta... Oportunidade impressionante para refletir a respeito das diversas maneiras como uma ideia original pode se desvirtuar e ficar fora de controle.

A Onda (2008)
Picture from: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3471545344/tt1063669?ref_=tt_ov_i

Two-faced / Duas caras

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2014/04/140410_todays_phrase_two-faced.shtml

White mime masks

Masks used in 'mime', a kind of performance art

Today's Phrase

If someone is two-faced, it means they say nice things about someone to their face, but say bad things about them behind their back.
Matt is so two-faced. He told me I'm a great cook; then afterwards he told his other mates that my food is the worst he's ever eaten!
I really don't believe what Matilda says; I think she's a two-faced liar.

Take note

If someone loses face, they lose the respect of others.
Phillip lost face when no one came to his birthday party.

Interesting fact

The masks in the image are used in mime, a kind of theatrical performance which uses no words. Instead, actors use facial expressions and movements of their hands and bodies to tell the story.

Click, click, click

Nice tip for you to show your pics,from the site www.pinterest.com. This way you can change them easily and build your own layout. With loads of freedom to express your creativity and have pretty near you those you love the most. 
Dica bacana para expor suas fotos, do site www.pinterest.com.  Dessa forma você pode trocá-las com facilidade e montar na disposição que você quiser.  Com muita liberdade para você expressar sua criatividade e deixar bem pertinho as pessoas que você mais ama.
Do you think to give a touch of furniture to decorate the interior of your house? This time we will give you some interesting ideas about DIY Home Decorating Ideas. Do It Yourself (DIY) that will be given is about the unique furniture with a low budget. Even you can create using your junk.
From: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/534591418238225790/

Today it is...

From: http://www.woodwardenglish.com/weather-temperature-and-idioms/
English vocabulary about the temperature

To clam up

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2014/04/140401_todays_phrase_clam_up.shtml

A giant clam

A giant clam on the seabed near Zanzibar

Today's Phrase

To clam up means to become silent because you are nervous, embarrassed or don't want to talk about something.
Adam was very naughty and ate all the cookies. When his mother asked where they were he clammed up and couldn't tell her.
When I was young I used to clam up when a stranger asked me a question.

Take note

Another phrase which comes from a shellfish is the world is your oyster. When you say this to someone you mean they have the ability to go and to do whatever they like.
Now that you have your college degree, the world is your oyster!

Interesting fact

A clam found off the coast of Iceland in 2006 is thought to have been the longest-lived mollusc ever discovered. Scientists, who named it Ming, believe it was over 500 years old when taken from the seabed.

Where to put my books? /Onde colocar meus livros?

Lacking space for your books?!  How about this idea from the site www.bhg.com: you can frame a window with wall-mount shelves, which will also provide a charming window seat, for you to read your favorite ones! Besides being a room saving solution, it's very romantic.     
Faltando espaço para seus livros?! Que tal essa ideia do site www.bhg.com: você pode emoldurar uma janela com prateleiras montadas na parede, que também disponibilizará um charmoso assento de janela, para você ler seus favoritos!   Além de ser uma solução que economiza espaço, é muito romântica.   

From: http://www.bhg.com/decorating/storage/organization-basics/how-to-organize-books/

What's the weather like?

From: http://www.woodwardenglish.com/weather-temperature-and-idioms/
Weather Vocabulary in English

Push the boat out

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2014/03/140318_todays_phrase_push_boat_out.shtml

A fishing boat sits in mud at low tide

This boat isn't going anywhere unless someone gives it a push

Today's Phrase

If you push the boat out it means you spend more money than you normally do, especially for a celebration.
Rob's wedding was amazing; they really pushed the boat out and made it a day to remember.
As it's our anniversary, let's push the boat out and buy a bottle of champagne!

Take note

If you miss the boat, you miss a good opportunity because you wait too long.
Sorry John, the deadline for applying for the job has passed. You've missed the boat.

Interesting fact

Boats come in all shapes and sizes. Skiffs are very small boats for one person. Yachts are larger boats with sails. Cruise ships are much bigger and take passengers across the sea or ocean. The biggest cargo ships can carry more than 10,000 containers and weigh thousands of tons.

Fun for the kids/ Diversão para as crianças

What about creating a space for the kids to have their own room to play and use their imagination?  With some shelves to organize coloring stuff, paper to make art happen and also a black board, easily painted on the wall with the proper paint,  you will make their days memorable and full of joy!

Que tal criar um espaço para as crianças terem seu próprio lugar para brincar e usar sua imaginação?  Com algumas prateleiras para organizar o material de colorir, papel para fazer a arte acontecer e também um quadro negro, facilmente pintado na parede com a tinta adequada, você tornará os dias das crianças memoráveis e cheios de alegria!

Children's playroom
Picture from: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/128985976799210349/

Facial expressions

From: http://annkoplow.wordpress.com/tag/facial-expression-charts/