Lights in a bottle! / Luzes na garrafa!

Great idea for lighting up your New Year's Eve!  Pick up some bottles and fill them up with fairy lights and you are going to have some cheap and beautiful lamps!!!
Ótima ideia para iluminar sua Noite de Ano Novo!  Pegue algumas garrafas e as encha com pequenas lâmpadas de Natal e você terá algumas luminárias baratas e lindas!!!
DIY wine bottles with string lights

Merry Chirstmas!!! / Feliz Natal!!!

"Jesus: Rei dos Reis, Cristo, Vida, Salvador, Luz, Verdade, Príncipe da Paz..."


Christmas is coming! / O Natal está chegando!

"Que o espírito de amor delicadamente preencha nossos corações e lares.  Nesta que é a mais bela das época, que você possa encontrar muitas razões para a felicidade.  
Boas Festas!"


Christmas words

¿Cuántas palabras conoces en inglés sobre la Navidad? ¿Y en otros idiomas?

Go it alone

Silhouette of a woman standing in front of a standing stone sculpture.
Japanese video and performance artist Mariko Mori displays her work Tom Na H-iu at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Photo: Stefan Wermouth/ Reuters

Today's Phrase

To go it alone means to do something by yourself, without help from other people.
Now that I have enough experience, I've decided to go it alone and start my own business.

I'm not ready to go it alone yet. I need another few years working in this company.

We don't need your help with the project. We'll go it alone and see what happens.

Take note

To feel alone. If you feel alone, you feel lonely, with no friends and nobody to talk to or to ask for help.
After she left me, I felt completely alone.

Interesting fact

A popular saying in business circles is that you will never become rich by working for someone else.

About time / Questão de tempo

Did you like "Love Actually", "Notting Hill" and "Four weddings and a funeral"?  So you probably will love "About time"!  It's a beautiful and touchy story about a guy who discovers through his father he can travel in time and change things which happened to him.  It's tender, it's fun and it's moving.  Give it a try! 
Você gostou de "Simplesmente Amor", "Um lugar chamado Notting Hill" e "Quatro casamentos e um funeral"?  Então você provavelmente vai gostar de "Questão de Tempo"!  É uma bela e tocante história de um rapaz que descobre através de seu pai que ele pode viajar no tempo e mudar coisas que aconteceram com ele.  É terno, é engraçado e é comovente.  Experimente!
Questão de Tempo (2013)
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