What makes you move? / O que te move?

The thinker / O pensador - Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917)

Picture from: http://julirossi.blogspot.com.br/2013/02/o-pensador_6.html

It's so common for us to stop still before life and keep asking what the meaning of living is... I get it, it's completely pertinent to every human being this kind of questioning...  But is it helpful in daily life? Does it make living better?  If the answer is yes, great! As I believe everything that contributes for a better life is beneficial.  Now, if the answer is no, and, at least for me it has been most of the times I question myself, I prefer a more practical and less troubled way, but, please, don't get me wrong, because I'm not talking about the kind of irresponsible or harmful lack of worries that could damage mine or other people's lives.  I mean living in a way you find simple and inexplicable enjoyment in doing things (and what is that we have to try to explain everything!?!).  In my case, one of the many things that makes me feel good is decorating, transforming and living the house!   I've stopped asking myself the reason for this to make me feel good.  Let's enjoy what life offers without questioning so many things needlessly, and instead, find what makes us joyful and makes us feel alive!  Live more, in the broadest sense: exist, value, reside, nourish, coexist, etc, etc, etc.
É muito comum a gente parar diante da vida e ficar se perguntando qual o sentido de viver... entendo, é totalmente pertinente a todo ser humano esse questionamento... Mas é proveitoso para o dia-a-dia? Contribui para um viver melhor?  Se a resposta é sim, ótimo!  Pois creio que tudo que contribui para o bem viver é salutar.  Agora, se a resposta é não, e, pelo menos para mim tem sido na maioria das vezes em que questiono, prefiro um caminho mais prático e menos preocupado, mas, por favor, não me entendam mal, pois não trato aqui de uma despreocupação irresponsável ou prejudicial à minha existência ou a de outras pessoas.  Falo de viver encontrando prazeres simples e inexplicáveis (e que mania temos de buscar explicação para tudo!?!).  No meu caso, uma das muitas coisas que me faz bem é decorar, transformar e viver a casa!  Parei de me perguntar o porquê disso me fazer bem.  Vamos aproveitar o que a vida oferece sem tantos questionamentos desnecessários, e ao invés disso, encontrar o que nos alegra a alma e nos faz sentir vivos!  Viver mais, no sentido mais amplo da palavra: existir, apreciar, morar, nutrir-se, conviver etc, etc, etc.

How about some fruit!?!

Chart with a list of fruit in English and photos of each one.
Picture from: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/407083253790143319/

Odd man out

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2013/02/130205_todays_phrase_odd_man_out.shtml

Swimmers stand in line about to take part in an outdoor swimming competition

Which swimmer is the odd one out? Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Today's Phrase

If someone or something is an 'odd man out' or an 'odd one out', it is unlike the others in a group.
When I got to the party everyone was wearing beautifully tailored suits and I was in ripped jeans and a smelly t-shirt. Felt like a bit of an odd man out. 

Martha was always the odd one out. She never joined in when the other kids played.

Take note

An 'odd-job man' is a man paid to do many different kinds of jobs, often around the home.
I got Billy the odd-job man to fix my shelves and cut the grass in my garden. He did a great job so I recommended him to my neighbour.

Interesting fact

This year's UK Cold Water Swimming Championships saw 600 swimmers brave the near-freezing waters at a lido in South London. There are a number of 'lidos', or outdoor swimming pools, in London and around the UK. The word comes from an Italian word meaning 'beach'.

Bedside... table?!? / Mesinha... de cabeceira?!?

Lacking a bedside table?!  A stool can be a solution!  The charm will come with the ornaments you may use: a lamp shade, some flowers and books will sure make magic happen!
Faltando uma mesinha de cabeceira?!  Uma banqueta pode ser a solução!  O charme virá com os adereços que você usar: um abajur, algumas flores e livros com certeza farão a mágica acontecer!

Picture from: http://www.osusinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/furniture-interior-decoration-minimalist-bedside-table-with-simple-desk-lamp-also-rattan-laundry-basket-beside-white-master-bed-foe-bedside-table-design-ideas-awesome-wooden-bedside-table-with-drawers.jpg

Household tools!

As a lover of DIY, I like using some of these tools, mainly the hammer, that's very relaxing!
Como amante de "faça você mesmo", eu gosto de utilizar algumas dessas ferramentas, principalmente o martelo, que é muito relaxante!

Picture from: http://clickonenglish.blogspot.com.br/2013/10/technology-tools.html

Dressed like a dog's dinner

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2013/01/130117_todays_phrase_dressed_like_a_dogs_dinner.shtml

Dogs dressed in clothing

Dogs dressed in clothing look on during a purification ceremony in Tokyo. Photo: Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/GETTY

Today's Phrase

If someone is described as being 'dressed like a dog's dinner', it means they are wearing clothes which are inappropriate for the occasion or too formal. This is quite a negative way to describe someone!
The dress code was smart/casual, but Linda came wearing a full-length ball gown! She was dressed like a dog's dinner! 
My mum really embarrasses me, she always dresses like a dog's dinner, even when we're just going to the shops!
Look at that guy over there! He's wearing a tuxedo in this old pub. He's dressed like a dog's dinner!

Take note

A more polite way to describe someone who is 'dressed like a dog's dinner' is to say that they are 'overdressed'.
That crystal-encrusted dress is very beautiful, but I think you may be a little overdressed for an afternoon at the football.

Interesting fact

Five hundred pets and their owners visited the Ichigaya Kamegaoka-Hachiman shrine in Tokyo to celebrate new year and to pray for the animals' health and happiness. The pets received a special blessing during a purification ceremony.

Hallway / Entrada

From the site housetohome.com.uk this interesting idea to dress the hallway of your home: shelf with some fancy objects, some pictures, a bench to seat and leave the shoes when you get home and a beautiful map wallpaper.
Do site housetohome.com.uk essa ideia interessante para vestir a entrada da sua casa: prateleira com alguns objetos de decoração, alguns quadros, um banco para sentar e deixar seus sapatos quando você chegar em casa e um lindo papel de parede de mapa.
Hallway with bench and oversized map | Small hallway design ideas | Hallway | PHOTO GALLERY | Style at Home | Housetohome.co.uk


From: http://4thjuniorhighenglishclass.blogspot.com.br/2014/03/idioms-with-mind.html

As flat as a pancake

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2013/02/130212_todays_phrase_pancake.shtmlPancakes being tossed

Trainee choristers from Salisbury Cathedral Choir toss pancakes. Photo: Matt Cardy/ Getty Images.

Today's Phrase

When something is described as being as flat as a pancake, it means it is very flat.
It's a perfect day for sailing because the sea is as flat as a pancake.
Cycling around here is easy, the countryside is as flat as a pancake.

Take note

If you fall flat on your face it means you have failed at doing something, or embarrassed yourself by making a mistake.
If we don't get any funding, this building project will fall flat on its face.
I fell flat on my face at my performance. When I started to sing I forgot the words. It was so embarrassing!

Interesting fact

A pancake is a thin, flat, round cake prepared from a batter and cooked on a hot griddle or frying pan. Traditionally they are tossed, or flipped over, in the frying pan so that both sides are cooked. In Britain, they are associated with Shrove Tuesday, commonly known as Pancake Day, when perishable ingredients had to be used up before the fasting period of Lent began.

Express bookshelf / Estante expressa

You need a bookshelf and have little time to wait.  Here is another great suggestion using a ladder, from the site www.westwing.com.br.  Just add some pieces of wood board to make shelves and decorate them the way it pleases you the best!
Você precisa de uma estante e tem pouco tempo para esperar.  Aqui está mais uma ideia usando escada, do site www.westwing.com.br.  Apenas adicione umas tábuas de madeira para fazer as prateleiras e decore da maneira que mais lhe agradar!
Picture from: http://www.westwing.com.br/magazin/decorando/decoracao-com-escadas/

Helpful words and phrases

From: http://4thjuniorhighenglishclass.blogspot.com.br/2014_03_01_archive.html

Dead as a dodo

From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/2013/02/130207_todays_phrase_dodo.shtml

A dodo

Dodos became extinct in the 1600s. Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/ Getty Images

Today's Phrase

If something is 'as dead as a dodo', it is no longer important or popular. This phrase is often used to talk about ideas or trends.
In the past people used to watch and record videos on VHS, but now that format is as dead as a dodo.
The idea that smoking is good for your health is now as dead as a dodo.

Take note

A 'dead duck' is something that is not successful.
Frank's coffee shop business was a dead duck sadly. His coffee was just awful, and the shop was in a bad location.

Interesting fact

The flightless dodo was first discovered on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius in the late 16th Century. Within a few decades they were extinct. Before the arrival of man, the dodo is thought to have evolved to such a large size because it had no natural predators and plentiful food.

Helpful ladder / Escada útil

What about looking at a ladder with different eyes?!  This one was painted in white and can hold many things: high heel shoes, necklaces and pieces of clothes.  Simple, helpful and quite charming, isn't it!?!
Que tal ver a escada com olhos diferentes?!  Essa aqui foi pintada de branco e pode ser suporte para várias coisas: sapatos de salto, colares e peças de roupa.  Simples, útil e bem charmosa, não é!?!
Picture form: http://www.bonde.com.br/?id_bonde=1-32--41-20130129